Granite Pathways introduced the Clubhouse Model of peer-led recovery to New Hampshire.
Granite Pathways was established in 2009 as a peer-led recovery center in Manchester, is organizing its efforts to address the issues of substance use disorders (SUD) as well as mental health recovery. Granite Pathways began as a grass-roots initiative that introduced the “clubhouse” model in New Hampshire, an evidence-based, self-help community, aimed at eliminating isolation and providing hope, dignity, and recovery options for adults with mental illness.

In 2016 Granite Pathways combined with The Fedcap Group an international non profit committed to creating opportunities for people with barriers to economic well being. This combination allowed for the expansion of Granite Pathways into the areas of workforce development and education as well as expand its array of services for those struggling with mental illness or substance use disorders. A hallmark program of Granite Pathways is its peer recovery services. Research proves that peer-led support is the most effective approach to substance use recovery.

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