Now What? Pandemic Skills for Parents and Kids

Now What? Pandemic Skills for Parents


The pandemic landscape is constantly shifting. As parents and children move from school to summer, panic to agitation, loss to boredom, Lynn will discuss the consistent skills we can use to help our children (and ourselves) and the emotional adjustments we’ll need to make as we move forward.


Online Zoom Event—Join Meeting Here:

Meeting ID: 897 8514 8298

One tap mobile

+1 646 558 8656 ,,89785148298# US (New York)


Tuesday, June 2, 2020


Questions? Contact Liz:

I’m OK, Are You OK?

I'm OK, are you OK?

This forum will be on the topic of Sober Living (Recovery Residences) facilities and homes in NH, and NHCORR’s efforts to accredit these facilities. 

It’s hard enough to find safe, supportive sober living when straight out of treatment and early in recovery. Since mid-March many recovery residences have been facing unique challenges. Reoccurrence of residents condition, unemployment, delays in paying rent, and challenges to the culture and balance of recovery residence communities are emerging. Becoming accredited by NHCORR can help with some of these things (i.e. rental assistance), bus as we are finding, the Covid 19 response is still very challenging to our recovery community, and those providing safe places to live.

For more details and registration: visit this link