Safe Harbor Recovery Center Re-Opens

Safe Harbor Recovery Center Re-Opens

Safe Harbor Recovery Center, Granite Pathways’ peer-led program for those seeking recovery, reopened its doors on June 24 after a three-month lockdown due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

It’s the first part of a three-phase reopening, said Program Director Dustin Ward. Visits are by appointment or crisis drop-in only. A maximum of 10 people are allowed in at any one time; all visitors are temperature-checked, given masks and hand sanitizer and queried about possible exposure. They follow a one-way traffic flow from appointments to exit. Only small meetings are currently allowed pending the next phase of reopening.

“Unfortunately, some people lost their jobs or homes, or didn’t qualify for stimulus checks,” Dustin said. “Some don’t have cell phones or computers. Connection is so important to recovery, and while we connected with many individuals via telehealth support, we weren’t able to communicate with everyone.”

As such, reopening has been a relief to staff and program participants alike. Prior to the lockdown over 600 people visited Safe Harbor each month for recovery meetings, wellness activities and more. Safe Harbor is a community, where people find tremendous support and a real sense of belonging.