Ann Strachan is Program Director of Seacoast Pathways and Assistant Director of Mental Health Services at Granite Pathways. Ann has a master’s degree in Counseling from UNH, is a graduate of the UNH Institute on Disability Leadership Series and serves on the NH Mental Health Advisory and Planning Council. Ann is a volunteer with NAMI-NH, and with a small group of others, was formative in bringing the evidence-based Clubhouse International Model of Psychosocial Rehabilitation to New Hampshire. They started Seacoast Pathways Clubhouse in Portsmouth in 2014 to foster recovery and improve opportunities for individuals living with mental illness.
In 2017, Ann received the Erik Cogswell Memorial Award for those who provide hope, education, and/or support for those living with mental illness. Ann participated in the collaborative Seacoast Community Care Team addressing individual cases with complex health, mental health, substance misuse and social needs, collectively finding solutions for clients’ care and safety. She served on the NH State BRSS-TACS policy group for Peer Support sustainability, and the NH State First Episode Psychosis Steering Committee. She is a current Board member of the NH Charitable Foundation’s Piscataqua Region Advisory Board.